1) An event where people meet to have drinks after work.
2) Going to a date with someone while having drinks. It can start in a bar and may end up in bed.
2) Going to a date with someone while having drinks. It can start in a bar and may end up in bed.
by Find a Wingman November 29, 2019
As if spending your entire working day with your co-workers wasn't bad enough, you spend time with co-workers after work drinking alcohol.
Common activities includes but are not limited to; drinking, talking about work, talking about co-workers who are not there and generally not talking about anything that is not related to working.
Common activities includes but are not limited to; drinking, talking about work, talking about co-workers who are not there and generally not talking about anything that is not related to working.
Hey! We have spent the entire working week together, let's get together on our free time for an afterwork!
by pseduo90210 April 10, 2014
The act of getting home from a long day of work and fucking your wife right after with your clothes on and your dick ripping out your pants. And your shoes on too.
by ☆★Midas★☆ January 19, 2022