Goddess of Art and is very fashionable and is extremely intelligent. Has good capability of making friends. She can sometimes act sassy, but is generally kind and generos. Most Adheenas are very tall and are usually very organized. Most Adheenas are from rich backgrounds and can boast a lot, even if they are poor. They are very competitive and also very humourous. Most Adheenas are good at Music and Sports. If you ever encounter an Adheena make sure you become good friends and never ignore them or your life will be disastrous
Person 1: (In a test) Hey Adheena can I copy you

Adheena: Umm yeah sure make sure that teacher doesn't see

(Saturday) Person 2: Wow Adheena you should enter a fashion show, your tall enough, pretty enough and very fashionable

Adheena: I know I should
by youraveragemiddlechild August 23, 2019
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some random girl without fiends, or family nobody actually gives a shit, that screams way too much and never shuts her mouth. Also shes definitely gonna be some sort of psychotic creep when shes older because shes oddly fascinated by weird ass shit like dead people.
*dead body lyind there*
Adheena: *screams loudly and pierces everyones eardrums* OH MY GOD I GOT A SEVEN IN BIOLOGY AUORFYGHULBGAYBEHKFWGUHAIVYBEFIV
by anonymous526347623572 April 29, 2019
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