Women's way of saying she has nothing but yet everything.
by hammylein April 23, 2018
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A phrase used by famous Youtuber SwiftKarateChop frequently; it has become his subscription headline and it is used in most of his videos.
"So what did we learn today?"
"Absolutely nothing."
by AmyANTIVIRUS August 16, 2008
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A meme started years ago from Mario Party gameplays where the player would choose Luigi for certain minigames and stay afk. In most cases, the chosen minigames are luck based or an '1-vs-3' minigame where Luigi's team wins.

Said meme became quite popular with the time, and now there are like thousands of those 'Luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing' videos on YouTube. Most are quite amusing to watch, I suggest giving them a try.
Mario: A B A A L R A A R R L B B A L A B-
Mario loses. Mamma mia!



Aaaaand Luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing.
by Insert original username June 15, 2020
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