Zenon is a real motherfucking g he can be pretty much great at anything . Also he's very handsome and great with the ladies . He can adapt to pretty much any atmosphere he's in
by Garywinthorpe March 19, 2017
Zenon a man of focus and pure skill, if you know a Zenon your one lucky person. Zenons are very good looking and rare to come by these days
by YaBoyZen May 9, 2021
Zenonce also known as “prick” “asshole” and “dickhead” really an unimpressive human being there isn’t anything going on in the head of a zenonce unless it is preying I’m innocent girls however the zenonce is also delusional often mistaking itself for a much cooler species such as a daisy or a Leo these delusions are simply rooted to the fact that a zenonce has a tiny brain smaller then a pea in fact
“That zenonce seems to think those girls like him doesn’t he? “
“Yeah that’s because he is a stupid fuck”
“Yeah that’s because he is a stupid fuck”
by Bij May 20, 2020
by Zenon Negative May 31, 2019
random useless person: have you heard of the guy who pisses himself all the time
someone else: of course, he’s probably a zenon
someone else: of course, he’s probably a zenon
by pussyeater3674 April 11, 2021
A young music producer who pissed away most of his life playing the drums. Prominent in the audio portal of Newgrounds.
by Jadan July 26, 2007