You Betcha

A Minnesotan phrase used as a form of agreement, understanding, acceptance.
Person 1: "It's good to have everyone together don't you think?"
Person 2: "Oh you betcha"
by Worksmithmaker October 14, 2015
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You Betcha

A Minnesotan phrase that can be translated into the following...
1- "Yes"
2- "I agree"
3- "You sound like you know more then I do"
4- "You're wrong, but I'll make you feel better about it"
5- "If not more"
6- "Damn Wisconsin Packer Cheeseheads"
7- "You're annoying"
1- "And would you like fries with that?" You Betcha
2- "This weather could be worst." You Betcha
3- "...therefore those chemicals cannot be mixed." You Betcha
4- "Our neighbor is one of them gay guys, I think, don't cha know." You Betcha
5- "We got at least three feet of snow." You Betcha
6- "Eloo der, I'm frum Wiscaaansin." You Betcha
7- "Oh my god, I was like, no way, and he was like, way." You Betcha
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you betcha

Teenager 1: Dude, are you alright?

Teenager 2: You Betcha
by Light Joker December 11, 2006
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you betcha

Also can be used in place of "You're welcome", or "No problem".
Person 1; "Thank you for that delicious Lutefisk hotdish".

Person 2 replies; "You betcha".
by catmandew July 24, 2010
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you betcha

Jay-Z: Can I get a woot woot
Palin: you betcha
by ragnus February 15, 2010
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You betcha

Contraction of "you bet your...." (life, ass, money, etc.). Also "you betcher"
You betcha!
You betcher ass!
by p-chip August 21, 2009
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You Fucking Betcha

Self explainatory - Dumbass! Undeniably correct.
Sam: "Are you sure?"
Tom: "You Fucking Betcha"
by Skam? March 3, 2005
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