Noun; A term for an individual who is exceedingly creepy, and quite possibly could one day become a serial killer. This type of person is marked by a fondness for creating skin suits from the flesh of the women he "dates".
Man, Craig's girlfriend went missing and he got a new winter coat all in one day.. he is SO pulling a Yanters!
by shetbag November 23, 2007
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To yanter/yantering means to talk a lot or gossip,. This could also be used in an offensive way and is most commonly used as a way to describe an annoying person that never shuts up.
"I've not seen you in ages! Do you want to go for a yanter?"
"That girl Chloe is soooo annoying, she never stops yantering"
by sofathegoat69 October 9, 2020
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Generally shit banter, tries to be funny but fails miserably.
by Burby September 14, 2017
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