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by Codreanu April 22, 2017
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word is a word. don’t delete my entry plz
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Guy 1: word is a word
Guy 2: this is to prevent this entry being deleted
by nlolhere March 16, 2020
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by I eat poop 69 January 12, 2022
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by Cactopopolis August 15, 2018
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I always do…
As my heart
Wants only YOU!!
Someday I will say those words to you…
Until the day, this will have to do
Always and forever I will love YOU!
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Sign… astrological… probably why we can relate to each other.

I get sad and in a funk too… Thanks for the kind words though… my life depends on me being positive and always ready to help regardless of whether I am in a funk… it is who I have become:) thanks for listening to my funk rants btw… typically keep those to myself… or at least try:)

I didn’t always embrace love… I held it in, fear of getting hurt. Now I try to embrace it in everything I do:) giving love to others, being there for them, gives me fuel.

For instance, a couple of days ago, a person was crying at the pump while getting gas. Instead of ignoring it, i walked over spoke to her to see if she was okay and if there was anything I could do. We have in my opinion, become a society that has forgotten compassion.
There was this other time a few months ago, where this guy had falling on a sidewalk. I stopped my vehicle and went to assist him back up… helping people is what gives me strength:)
I am glad to hear I am helping you…

Thank you for giving me the strength to help you:)
by Oh my goodness ❤️❤️ September 9, 2023
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