when semen drips down a hairy vagina
bitch shave that pussy or there will be some white water rapids drippin all over my good sheets
by freddi fish July 16, 2008
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What comes out of you when you get a grand rapids blow job. Not the most quality of ejaculations, but well worth it. After all, Bill loves the cock.
Dude #1: Good god, i just made a 10 gallon drum of the Grand Rapids White Sauce.

Dude #2: Im surprised you even got it up dude!

Dude #1: Yah, i closed my eyes and pretended it was my dog giving me head instead of that Bill guy......
by Bill loves the cock May 20, 2004
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lots ans lots of (cum) flooding a whole are such as cool
that river has white water rapids on a rainy day
by urbanclud February 5, 2008
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When a male ejaculates on tits and the female grabs his face and motor boats spreading the whiteness.
I’m going to white rapid you later
by NastieNate September 2, 2019
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