The Westside Walk is the same thing as the Pool Palace except you move with it instead of standing in one place. It's basically walking around while you doin the Pool Palace.
"what ya talkin bout
bend ya knees rock ya hips now westside walk it out"
by alicia reppin cali June 26, 2006
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When a heavily muscled person, especially one that uses anabolic steroids, pinches their upper back together, spreads out their arms, and kicks their legs out to the side as they walk (usually on the balls of their feet).
Ronald: "Damn. That guys is yoked."
Ritchie: "Which one?"
Ronald: "The one over there doing the Westside Walk."
by Big-Gary October 28, 2015
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associated with snap music and or gik music/demonstrated n BHI(Born Husslers Inc.)Do It Do It
Bend yo knees Rock ya hips Now Westside Walk it out
by Chaelia Stevens June 5, 2006
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