A bicycle trail in Northern Virginia that stretches 45 miles from Purcellville, VA to Arlington, VA. If one traverses the entire trail, they will see an accurate representation of the socio-economic diversity in Northern Virginia. The old-money wealth of western Loudoun County, the micro-city of Reston, the wealthy towns of Oakton and Vienna, as well as gentrified and poor neighbourhoods of Arlington alike. The trail ends at a day-labour center where one can hire an immigrant to perform a number of manual tasks for a negotiable fee.

The trail is very popular. While riding on the trail, one is passed by millions of white people in extremely tight clothing that ride on very expensive carbon fibre bicycles. There are also runners that do not move out of cyclists' way and expect you to yield to them. Occasionally, you will be harassed by a crazy Hispanic man in a long coat; he will call you "Sexi Mami" and show you his penis.
White Guy in spandex: "On your left!"
*zooooooooooooooms past you on a Bianchi*


Liar: I can do the entire W&OD in two hours

Me: No you can't

Liar: I know *hangs head*


Flasher: "Eyyy, Sexi Mami! Look what I got!"

Me on bike: "I'm not a Mami, I'm a dude"
by White Guy on a Bike June 25, 2010
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