Venmo request: “Here’s money for my share of dinner last week- you clearly need it more than me”
“Wow that was a bitch ass Venmo”
“Wow that was a bitch ass Venmo”
by JustAHater1234 June 2, 2024
by Shartesaiye July 10, 2022
Venmo is a platform for people to exchange cash with any account they can get their hands on with zero consequences. It doesn’t really matter if you do it from your own account or if you steal someone’s phone and send their money, Venmo truly does not give a shit.
Christian notified Venmo that his phone stolen & someone sent $598.75 from his account to theirs. IE: stealing Christian’s money. Venmo called Christian a liar & denied his refund claim.
by 000055550000 November 23, 2021