The fandom of South Korean singer, Seungri. A group of people who appreciate Seungri’s achievements as a singer, actor, composer as well as his many other talents. VVIPs believe in respecting Seungri’s legacy while supporting his present activities and eagerly awaiting future ones.
Person A: Wow that girl is really smart and isn't brainwashed by false media narratives!

Me: Of course! She's a VVIP!
by love_is_you June 28, 2023
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very very important person.
indicates how much more important these people are, even more important than vips.
Person 1: Hey I just got into this designer store's vip list ! Now I get to get their special promotions before anyone does.

Person 2: Psh! I got into their vvip list because I'm more important and special than you and i get more special promotions than you!
by chekacheka January 21, 2011
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