Uncircumcised Penis

The best band in the entire existence of the universe
Man, Uncircumcised Penis makes me want to live again.
by Glue Boy March 2, 2019
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uncircumcised penis

You're being a real uncircumcised penis today Billy.
by xxswagyoloxx August 31, 2014
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A fabulous piece of machinery that is all natural and organic. It gets the name money because it has hair like a monkey's for comfort pleasure.
My friend has a nice uncircumcised monkey penis, it gave me and his girlfriend good pleasure at work yesterday.
by Mr.grittypants69 April 29, 2022
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A fabulous piece of machinery that is all natural and organic. It gets the name money because it has hair like a monkey's for comfort pleasure.
My friend has a nice uncircumcised monkey penis, it gave me and his girlfriend good pleasure at work yesterday.
by Mr.grittypants69 April 29, 2022
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