usually stands for User identification but in hvh it could be a cheats forum UID example 277
p1: i'm using skeet
p2: Whats your UID?
by Ziti April 9, 2020
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a foram "user identification number" used to measure your intarweb pen0s. On genmay your intarweb pen0s is inversely proportional to the size of your uid.
by Hoglysis April 29, 2004
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The uber-most super user. UID 0 is the root user of any Unix system. The head honcho, the ghost with the most, the source of all good bits, Jason.
Each user must also have a unique UID (user ID) number. This is an integer between 0 and 32767, although some systems permit numbers up to 65534. In networks using NFS the UID must be unique across the network, as well as being attached to the same username and person. UID numbers are conventionally assigned to human users beginning with 100. Numbers less than 100 are reserved for system accounts. Some UID numbers are assigned to system accounts during the installation of the operating system. What numbers are assigned to what accounts will vary between types of Unix. Some typical system accounts and UID's are listed below.

* UID 0 root
* UID 1 daemon
* UID 2 bin
by garbage May 21, 2008
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Problem being by a user's UID being too high.
Usually used in a joking manner.
HvH Player #1: x doesn't work, help?
HvH Player #2: uid issue.
by Ashley Graves September 8, 2020
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The uber-most super user. UID 0 is the root user of any Unix system. The head honcho, the ghost with the most, the source of all good bits, Jason.
Each user must also have a unique UID (user ID) number. This is an integer between 0 and 32767, although some systems permit numbers up to 65534. In networks using NFS the UID must be unique across the network, as well as being attached to the same username and person. UID numbers are conventionally assigned to human users beginning with 100. Numbers less than 100 are reserved for system accounts. Some UID numbers are assigned to system accounts during the installation of the operating system. What numbers are assigned to what accounts will vary between types of Unix. Some typical system accounts and UID's are listed below.

* UID 0 root
* UID 1 daemon
* UID 2 bin
by meanasspenguin May 20, 2008
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When some nn ( no namer ) speaks up in hvh ( hack vs hack ) and calls you bad so you gotta hittem with the " skeetless " and UID check him.
Random NN: "bro you are downbad nn"
AssHvH: " UID Check skeetless NN dog"
Random NN: * silence cuz doesnt have UID due to using free cheats *
by Beeendeee December 13, 2022
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When Uid??? is often used in HvH(mm and community servers).It is used by monkeys that dont have a life so they ask for your uid(User id) of a mainly private cheat like DidoTell.Dev and stuff like that.They think that their 2 digit uid is something.Please get help :D
Vegif: 1
Monkey: When Uid??? gs uid ?? when ??
Vegif: stfu
by Vegif December 28, 2022
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