The person that we all applaude for leaking one of Stephanie Meyer's books that was not yet published, and therefore causing her to decide not to publish it, and saving the world from having to see yet another horribly shitty book invading our bookstores and pretending to be an actual piece of literature. This person, while anonymous, is considered a hero by every person in the world not infected by the terrible disease known as twilight.
by OurBella'sDead,YoursWillBeToo October 31, 2011
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The bitch/bastard who leaked Midnight Sun on the internet and stopped SMeyer from writing it.
The one person that every Twilighter would love to kill.
Twihead: I wonder who the Twilight Traitor was?
Loser: IDK, What's a Twilight Traitor?
Twihead: R U KIDDING ME??????
Loser: No.


Loser is died.
Twihead: U should have read Twilight, bitch.
by PorschePixie <3 December 21, 2008
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