hope. she is very intelligent and loves her family especially her mother. knows her own capabilities and lets nothing stand in her way. she driven and goal oriented. she sees thing as the truely are and doesnt let the truth be minimized with excuses.
she is wise, virtuous, loving, compationate, selfless, honest, hard working. she is loved and adored by all. she will win your heart when your not looking. she is beautiful, graceful and gentle. her values are strong and morals held high. she is the best friend everyone wants to find. she is funny and full of wit. very quick. shes the most wonderful daughter a parent could ask for. shes very easy going, obediant to the't'. she never lies and always strives to give it her all. she an amazing young lady. has flawless taste. and can see straight through a person. if she is hurt she will not let you know. she keeps those things to herself. she is quick to dismiss anyone who hurts her, her mom or anyone she loves. she is very protective. she is to be cherished.
thats soooo Tumani....
by norcalgirl February 4, 2010
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