When a lesbian chooses to adopt the opinions of and behave like toxic men: i.e. aggressively compete and dominate others
devalue women, and engaging in wanton violence.
Liz’s wife Piper has acute toxic lesbianinity. Every time we play golf with them Piper gets so angry if she’s losing, blames it on Liz, and starts throwing her clubs.
by The Notorious MMC March 24, 2021
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When a lesbian chooses to adopt the opinions of and behave like toxic men: i.e. aggressively compete and dominate others
devalue women, and engaging in wanton violence.
I can’t stand playing golf with Liz and her wife, Piper. Piper is such an example of toxic lesbianinity. She gets so angry if she loses, blames it on Liz, and throws her golf clubs.
by March 24, 2021
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