toneh is a measurement of anger about the absurdity in bokeh background blur used by youtubers and vlogers in order to create a so called 'cinematographic' look using a low aperture portrait photo lens on their cameras. The effect was first described by the youtuber Camera Conspiracies and refers to the aesthetics of the youtuber Tony Northrup, hence the name 'toneh'. In his satire response video Camera Conspiracies refers to a self filmed one man outdoor video monologue set to be at a lake - yet no lake nor landscape had been distinguishable in this video because Northrup shot the whole thing with a 1.2 aperture on a 50mm lens full frame equivalent. So the background was blur only hence the high degree of irritating toneh.
"I believe toneh to be a further reaching philosophical and artistic concept. It serves to illustrate the utmost isolation of the individual in modern society, where social media and big corporations act as catalyst of the obliteration of social communitarianism. In Tony’s famous toneh-construct establishing video, we clearly see a contemporary human making a desperate call for help, much like we already saw in other masterpieces such as ‘the scream’ by Edvard Munch or any of Edward Hopper’s works on the theme. Tony will pass to history as one of the seminal figures of american neo expresionism and philosophical solipsism. What a time to be alive!"
by Maria.Klaus.1789 August 21, 2020
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When the background is so out of focus in a photograph that you can't recognise it anymore.
Tony Northrup: Let's put that lens aperture to 1.2 and get my face real close to the camera.
Camera Conspiracies it's a youtube channel guy: Oh no, you just turned your whole family into Toneh!
by quiet_loner June 6, 2020
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