"Something doesn't feel right, usually I dominate with Fox in Smash. I must be on tilt."
by Leffen July 27, 2015
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Annoy or frustrate
Those fat chicks on The View tilt me so much
by macsk March 22, 2009
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A commonly used term in lacrosse meaning how low your helmet sits on your hear. No tilt means u look out of the middle or even lowest gap. Mad tilt means you look out of the top gap.
yo bro my tilt game is twice yours.
by laxin... February 12, 2009
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term used for pissed off when gambling, could be used when someone isn't thinking straight
My girlfriend started blowing me and then she stopped, I went on tilt and donkey punched her.
by Frankie Carbone September 13, 2003
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A term used in video games. Especially league of legends where salt levels are high AF.
Usually used to express your anger, because your team fucking sucks. TILTED.
I tilted when I saw that bad play man.
Dude wtf don't dive that tower #tiltlyfe
Shouldn't have played with you tilted so hard.
by henlooo February 12, 2016
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A place to post, your house, home
a my nigga i am about to go post up at the tilt
by BRANDON May 9, 2003
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Adj: A feeling of sorrow and regret when something bad happens in a videogame.
Leesin was in our jungle making our master yi tilted after 2 kills.
by TheViolentMagician May 9, 2016
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