The club one joins after having inserted his thumb into his wife or girlfriend's anus while have doggy style intercourse.
Dude, I joined the thumb club with this chick last night when I was pounding her doggy style.

I joined the thumb club with this girls last night. Check out my chocolate wedding ring. lt came with a corn kernel diamond.
by Dr. Brown finger November 10, 2013
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One is a member of Thumb Club having successfully Fingered but in place of a finger, using your thumb. Often designated by giving the "thumbs up" sign.
"Hey mang, I was hanging with my girl last night and I got into the Thumb Club!""
by Boognish Rising August 6, 2008
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Clubbed thumbs (scientific name brachydactyly type D) is a recessive trait that reduces the length of the top bone of your thumb, resulting in short, fat thumbs. It really sucks because you get made fun of and texting is harder, it's also harder to play a lot of musical instruments and don't even get me started on having to find a bowling ball that doesn't get stuck on your thumb. You can have both or just one clubbed thumb, it also has like a million nicknames, including murderer's thumb, toe thumb, royal thumb, etc.
Person: Eww your thumbs are ugly
Me: Yeah I have clubbed thumbs and it makes it really hard to play the bassoon.
by A Sharp Major July 28, 2018
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