The act of an artist or band setting up and playing a concert/performance set without a soundcheck/linecheck
“Hey do we get a soundcheck?”
“Nah, but be ready cuz this gig is throw and go.”

“Hey we got time before our set, bruh.” “Don’t have to show up til 9 cuz it’s throw and go.”

“Our set got cut short cuz that singer was hella green. He can’t handle a throw and go gig.”
by drummergreg July 5, 2018
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This is a current term meaning to square off and fight.
Ok jerk, its time to throw and go!
by I, Wreckerrr November 17, 2020
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The unfortunate condition of suffering simultaneously from symptoms of both diarrhea and vomiting, brought on by various stomach viruses, but more commonly associated with the consumption of tequila followed by Denny's/IHOP. The patient is usually left in the precarious position of requiring several disposal receptacles simultaneously, with the use of a toilet and a small trash barrel being the best-case scenario. Following its normal course, which may persist for hours, recovery is usually dependent on either rest or additional tequila.
E.g.: Dude, what's that fucking smell?! Josh, did you just Throw and Go in my backseat?!


Q: Anyone seen Cheryl?
A: Yeah, she's been in the bathroom with The Dreaded Throw and Go.
by stormyblue007 July 28, 2017
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When you puke and shit at the same time.
Bro I was throwing and going all morning from that fucking key lime pie tommy made me.
by The October 12, 2020
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