a cooler way of saying that your depressed
guy 1:i have the big sad

guy 2:...
by [insert funny name] October 28, 2020
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Teacher: All right class, turn your textbooks to page 69. We're going to learn about the big sad.
by Big Cool October 17, 2018
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1. depression
2. The Great Depression, a period of time in America when the economy basically went kaput.
1. depressed reddit user: I have the big sad

2. The Great Depression was bad for everyone. Many jobs were lost and people forced to live out on the streets since they couldn't pay rent.
by alfreydo April 5, 2019
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when you are extremly sad

and depressed.
me: im having the big sad
friend: ooooh holy fuck i need to take you to the goddam hospital
by thesickomodeman January 28, 2019
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what spiderman felt when he saw ironman die.
"did you see endgame yet? bro, ironman died and spiderman had the big sad"
"awww heck. big oof"
by gaythiccboiii May 1, 2019
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what dumb people type when they can't spell depression
guy1 "i have depreshin"
guy2 "?"
guy1 "*depishon"
guy1 "*depshine"
guy2 "?"
guy1 "f*** it"
guy1 "the big sad"
by zerospeed May 17, 2021
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extreme or large amounts of depression
I am not feeling well today, I am big sad.
by user1256 January 21, 2019
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