Used to command someone to be careful with a precious resource, especially to prevent their talents, positive traits, or advantages of any kind from going to waste or turning into something negative. We are all given a certain amount of butter for our bread, and the more we have, the harder it can be to secure. All it takes is one moment of carelessness, and that butter may slip off the bread and into the toaster as we are trying to use its residual heat to warm the butter to an optimal temperature in the post-toasting phase of toast preparation. The next thing we know, the toaster is giving off a noxious scent of burnt butter as a lingering reminder of the mistake we have made.
Girl, you best secure that butter! You have a lot going for you, but I'd hate for it to fall into the toaster and haunt you forever.
by tjjohn12 March 31, 2016
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Mother’s maiden name or birth Father’s last name. Make sure to include first name for clarification.

A series of numbers used to define who you are. Mostly used on job applications, bank statements or background checks. Normally on your W-2 forms.
You will not receive a stimmy without your Last name, social security # matching up. Don’t forget your first name too.
by Regular Quick November 23, 2021
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that pesky peice of shit in most computers that dont let you install windows 7
i'm trying to install windows 7 but secure boot is in the way
by loserwater May 22, 2024
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Secure Landscaping is the utilization and deployment of Landscaping Techniques that secure and enhance your property in collaboration with network security surveillance.
Provides secure landscaping techniques that work to enhance your EYE™ Security System, while reducing your landscaping maintenance cost for your properties.
by EWTECHNERD May 6, 2019
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A nigga that makes her feel secure, a Justin Case.
He going to the nfl girl that’s my security nigga

He got a job and a lil bit of money he my sucurity nigga until I get me a ball player
by Zzzz23 December 11, 2017
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Select security promotion. This is when you leave an employee due to working conditions, poor treatment, etc and get re-hired down the road as a manager.
A: dude. I finally left that slave farm shithole. I couldn’t take it any more.

B: oh good. In a few months, they’ll re-hire you as a manager and you’ll be treated better because you’re higher on the corporate ladder. That’s a select security promotion.
by Vista20p July 14, 2018
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