The most greatest, least selfish person in the whole world!!!! So jokes & just generally bants to be around xox
Yo Thatchai!! You're jokes.
by agdisnauka July 12, 2017
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Thatchai is one of those guys everyone seems to love. Gentle, good looking and also pretty funny. The typical case of "everybody's darling". Thatchai is that mystic person that seals your interest the second he enters a room.

Paradoxical about his person: He's always so communicative and bonding with everyone but also unapproachable at the same time. You will for some reasons never be truly familiar with him. He keeps the secret about himself, his thoughts, problems and fears like it's all he has. Thatchai will always fake a smile even if is life is a mess. He's this kind of man that never ever accepts your help. No matter how close you are. He will be your best friend and faithful soul as long as he can handle his own problems. But as soon as he looses control of his life a little he won't be able to care about anyone else but himself.
"So, for how long do you know Thatchai?"
"About 5 years I guess!?"
"How's he doin' lately? Haven't seen him for a while now ..."
"I actually have no idea, bro! He never talks about his feelings and stuff!"
by thisveryspecialperson April 16, 2017
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