(Noun) More strangeness and more familiarity than the world naturally offers.
The feeling of wonder one gets when experiencing something new, but still in the safety and security of the familiar.
The feeling of wonder one gets when experiencing something new, but still in the safety and security of the familiar.
The tour group was struck with termesa at the sight of the temple rising up through the fog of the mountainside.
The termesa was palpable when we stepped foot of the plane into a world we'd only ever seen on travel shows.
Everyone liked her travel photos on instagram because they captured the termesa of each place and really made it feel possible that you could step into that world beyond your wildest imaginings.
We were impressed that the hotel's termesa didn't fade once our exotic surroundings felt more familiar.
The termesa was palpable when we stepped foot of the plane into a world we'd only ever seen on travel shows.
Everyone liked her travel photos on instagram because they captured the termesa of each place and really made it feel possible that you could step into that world beyond your wildest imaginings.
We were impressed that the hotel's termesa didn't fade once our exotic surroundings felt more familiar.
by gthanks999 January 23, 2022