A faery from The Legend of Zelda:Majora's mask. Similiar in looks to Navi,but has more of a personality. Tatl is rather sacrcastic and blames you for losing her brother,Tael, in the begining of the game. Link and Tatl eventually grow fond of eachother and defeat Majora's Mask.
by IloveLink July 27, 2010
by kt plaz April 10, 2005
An insulting label to describe someone who actually *gasp* has the guts to stand up for what's right. Stop him before he spreads the real truth!
As kids, our parents discourage us from being tattle tales, but then they wonder why the crime rate is so high in our country. If we had more tattle tales, who knows? Maybe we could stop flooding our prisons with innocent people while the criminals roam the streets freely.
by D-Shiznit June 30, 2005