by Vintersorg February 14, 2005
A Japanese fusion jazz band. They recently (2004) celebrated their 25th anniversary and have over 20 albums, including several collaborations with jazz artists from across the world. One of their albums, Megalith, was released in an overseas version outside of Japan.
by Misty De Meo May 26, 2004
A sexual position where the penetrating partner lays on their side perpendicular with the receiving partner. The reciving partner lays on their back draping their legs over the penitrating partners side. The resulting formation looks like an architectural T-Square
by CoopDaLoop March 12, 2008
The fabric triangle on the back of a thong, connecting the waist bands to the ass band. Usually seen when a female wearing a thong bends over and the thong peeps out from her low rise jeans.
by M-Cakes April 11, 2007
To sit shoulder-to-shoulder next to someone on the ground, facing opposite directions with both legs extended. From the position, mutual masturbation occurs. It can be done MF, MM, or FF.
Bill: Dude, me and Tina T-squared on Mr. Weier's desk while he was at lunch! It was kick ass!
Tim: That sounds awesome.
Tim: That sounds awesome.
by SEAN R...... March 16, 2008
T-squared, is an amazing actress and singer. When she was in the womb, she designed the Eiffel Tower, who is now her brother. She has the ability to fire beams of tacos out of her hands and turn her legs into tigers. Her father is best friends with Brett Favre and is an undercover agent who is building her an underground mansion. Her whole family went to Yale, and she will be going to Juliard this fall. She's a time traveller and invented penicillin. She rode with Sacajeweya. She gave voice lessons to Beyonce, and now she IS Beyonce. She is the queen of the moon.
by t2lover March 29, 2011
by dude. November 18, 2003