Survaríous : Native American related to Eastern Woodlands /Mohawk Nation.
Sharp stone , Bear fighter , Unbreakable

He is about his culture. Is kown to hide His feelings and will only open up to people he trust.
Is funny , charming ,Humble but Fierce in combat.
Love of his life will be younger than him . He Will naturally protect her even if it means his life.
The Love of his life name will start with a M or a J.
Survarious is a Warrior
by History of names November 23, 2021
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Survaríous : Native American related to Eastern Woodlands /Mohawk Nation.
Sharp stone , Bear fighter , Unbreakable

He is about his culture. Is known to hide His feelings and and be reserved until he feels comfortable. He will only open up to people he trust.
Is funny , charming ,Humble but Fierce in combat.
The Love of his life will be younger than him . He Will naturally protect her even if it means his life.
The great Love of his life name will start with a M or a J.

You Must be cautious with him, he is moody and Defiant.
Survarious is a Warrior
by History of names November 23, 2021
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Survaríous : Native American related to Eastern Woodlands /Mohawk Nation.
Sharp stone , Bear fighter , Unbreakable

He is about his culture. Is known to hide His feelings and and be reserved until he feels comfortable. He will only open up to people he trust.
Is funny , charming ,Humble but Fierce in combat.
The Love of his life will be younger than him . He Will naturally protect her even if it means his life.
The great Love of his life name will start with a M or a J.

You Must be cautious with him, he is moody and Defiant.
Survarious is a Warrior, Brave and Defiant.
by History of names November 23, 2021
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