The infamous ‘Predatory Stalker’ that explicitly targeted the Durham Region during the 1960’s. Although these attacks were generally isolated in the Durham Region, there have been reports of similar incidents across Ontario, spanning as far west as Windsor and as far east as Kingston. The Sunbird Stalker was eventually caught in the Limestone City where he was sent to the Kingston Penitentiary.

The Sunbird Stalker’s true alias is unknown to the public, as authorities silenced this particular case almost immediately after his capture. To this date stories of his existence are told as ghost stories and around campfires by youth in the region.
*One foggy Halloween night, two boys are Trick-or-Treating on old Sunbird Street *

Youcef: Dude lets not go to this one… this is the house where the Sunbird Stalker lived!
Cory: Relax man… there hasn’t been a murder here in years.
Youcef: Do you know who lives in this place now?
Cory: Rumour has it the Singh's do.
by Donald fon Ronsenburg July 22, 2010
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