1) The act of making someone more stupid.

2) The act of making something more simplistic for stupid people to use it, for example, un-necessary warning labels.
Idiot: "Yay! I got a B+ on my math test!"

Normal Person: "How? You said 2 + 2 = 22..."

Idiot: "So? It says it's right..."

Normal person: *facepalms* "Teachers adding to the stupidification of their students."


McDonalds' Hot Coffee's "Caution: Hot" label, after someone spilt their hot coffee on their lap and successfully sued because their hot coffee had no warning that it was hot.
by Above Average IQ November 14, 2010
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The blowback of having data at your fingertips 24/7.
I could feel my intelligence dimming the moment I held my first smartphone and I knew that I was buying into the mass stupidification of America.
by Dr Bunnygirl May 25, 2020
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