Stay The Course

George Bush's response to any question about the Iraq war, social security problems, or political question.
Interviewer: Sir, what do you plan on doing with Social Security?
Bush: Stay The Course!
Interviewer: What about social security?
Bush: Stay The Course!
Interviewer: How are you gonna handle inflation?
Bush: Stay The Course!
Interviewer: What about your approval ratings?
Bush: Stay The Course!
Interviewer: When are you going to pull out of Iraq?
Bush: Stay The Course!
Interviewer: But sir.... that doesn't make any sense!
Bush: Stay The Course!
Interviewer: Are you messing with me?
Bush: Stay The Course!
Interviewer: ...?
Bush: Stay The Course! STAY THE COURSE!!!!!!!
Social Security: Ya, Bush is a bit tired; he needs a bananna... one sec....
Interviewer: ...?
Bush: Now what were you saying?
Interviewer: Stay the Course?
Bush: YES!!!!!! EXACTLY! Now ya gotta it!
by Pillsburydodude January 25, 2007
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Stay the course

#1. To answer a question in the vaguest terms possible.
#2. To impart that "something is being done" but in all actuality your just standing there with your dick in your hand.
#3. Orwellian rewrite. “Stay the course” was NOT meant to connote “Attempted suicide by repeatedly ramming your head against the wall”.
We're going to do what we've done the LAST THREE YEARS.....Stay the course.
by Jeffrey K October 25, 2006
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