1 definition by Pillsburydodude

Stay The Course

George Bush's response to any question about the Iraq war, social security problems, or political question.
Interviewer: Sir, what do you plan on doing with Social Security?
Bush: Stay The Course!
Interviewer: What about social security?
Bush: Stay The Course!
Interviewer: How are you gonna handle inflation?
Bush: Stay The Course!
Interviewer: What about your approval ratings?
Bush: Stay The Course!
Interviewer: When are you going to pull out of Iraq?
Bush: Stay The Course!
Interviewer: But sir.... that doesn't make any sense!
Bush: Stay The Course!
Interviewer: Are you messing with me?
Bush: Stay The Course!
Interviewer: ...?
Bush: Stay The Course! STAY THE COURSE!!!!!!!
Social Security: Ya, Bush is a bit tired; he needs a bananna... one sec....
Interviewer: ...?
Bush: Now what were you saying?
Interviewer: Stay the Course?
Bush: YES!!!!!! EXACTLY! Now ya gotta it!
by Pillsburydodude January 25, 2007
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