Friend : “Damn when did you get clear skin bro?”

Me : “ Bro....Stan bts is the key. Also go stream Dynamite
by btsoutsold<3 April 29, 2021
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Somthing you sould NEVER do in life it is a sin and a crime to all
14y girl:Omg you sould Stan BTS
Chad: Fuck no go eat a pile of dog shit and get a life
by GGiorno March 18, 2021
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Stan bts is an action that people should do to improve their life. Basically it's like becoming an army (army=bts fan)
Yall better stan bts
by arimy December 7, 2020
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A person who Loves BTS. This type of person is known because of the stupid arguments they make on Twitter.
hey friend, im a BTS Stan!
That’s cool and all, but please don’t start argumen-
Too late!
by Donan (Arsenal Tryhard) July 7, 2021
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A large group of anti-black, xenophobic terrorists who claim to “stan” the korean boy band BTS.

You can usually spot them easily since they are white, have unnaturally coloured hair and follow asian people around supermarkets who they think are korean.
“Are you a BTS Stan?”
“EW get away from me you nerd, don’t you have a chinese restaurant to shoot up?”
by twicedisbandmentparty October 21, 2022
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A massive idiot who lives and breathes off of BTS
Bts stan : i love bts i would die for bts, i love jongkok
Person : killyourself
by Bruv guy April 25, 2022
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an idiot who wont shut up about BTS
Person 1 : hey what music do you like?
BTS STAN : i love bts you should listen to it!!! my favourite is jungkak

Person 1 : kill yourself
by Bruv guy April 25, 2022
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