Southern guilt is a guilty conscience due to a person's ancestors behavior toward non Southern whites. It originates in the minds of white Southerns. The past behavior of racist white Southerns towards Blacks, African Americans and people of color factors into the action of modern day Southerns.

This Southern guilt is a paralysis which prevent twentieth century white Southern females and males from proper interaction toward any person of color.
The state declared 11 county schools are chronically failing . Eight elementary schools, two middle schools and one high schools have received a grade of F for failure. This is a total of 4000 students.
The African American superintendent of schools has chronically failed to raise the grade of the local schools. Out of 40 schools , only two schools are doing well. The white mayor has not removed the School Superintendent from his position. The white male mayor has Southern guilt.
by georgiamah17 February 13, 2017
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