Where you take a nude and the randomly send it to one person on your contacts. If you hit story you have to leave it In the story for the full 24 hours
Mike plays snapchat roulette and always gets his dad
by Mikes dad February 2, 2016
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A game involving the snapchat app that originated in Central Ohio that is played as follows:

Two participants exchange phones and open up the snapchat app. Participants take a Snapchat picture of anything they desire and give the phone back to the owner without them seeing the picture. Participants select 5 people out of their friend list to send the picture to that the other person took on their phone. The person that took the picture that gets the most responses wins. Pictures are encouraged to be vulgar, incriminating or highly offensive, but no text or drawing is allowed; it must just be the picture.
Derek: Hey do you wanna play snapchat roulette?

Jeremy: Nah man, last time I played that my friend sent a dick pic.
by JoeyandGray May 7, 2015
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It's where a user screen shares their Snap chat app to a group of people and they open the random snaps they receive. Will it be a dick pic, will it be a full nude, will it be a lame ass picture or just them texting hi.
"Quick let's play Snapchat Roulette and see what snaps we got tonight"
by icedcoffeelover October 15, 2023
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