One of the best guy you'll ever meet. He's the biggest dork with the biggest heart, and no matter what kind of mood or funk you're in the always manages to lift you out of it just with his presence. He is a friend who sticks by your side no matter what. He's the person we know who will probably become successful. He knows what he wants in life, and he has the power to take it! He may not have so many friends, but he takes pleasure from his success. He’s very relaxed about everything. Shows that he understands and cares about other people’s problems. It's fun to ask him about. He was really shy and quiet. He's protective of his friends and family, loves animals, and romantic. He was hyper-critical and mean. He’s so calm, nothing seems to faze him. Be kind to him, like he is to you. Sidzkie is the most spontaneous man you will ever know, and he is not one you should take for granted. His strong build and gorgeous eyes added to his amazing personality make him the perfect catch. If you ever meet him, you'll know. And if you're the lucky girl he chooses - don't be stupid because he will love you like you've never been loved before. He won't walk out of your life - but you better be smart enough to do the same. If you've met him, you know, and if you haven't you're missing out. Cause knowing him is the best thing that will ever happen to you. Sidzkie's tend to have very strange interests, but aren't afraid to admit that they can be a bit weird.
Person 1: He is amazing!
Person 2: No wonder, he is a Sidzkie!
He is the best man anyone can ever have, dont let em' go.
by AnonymousConfession June 8, 2021
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