An uncommon name! People with this name are exceptionally skilled in some areas. Very much creative and joyful in their own way.

More inclined towards travel, arts and spiritual world.
Shreesha is her name.
by Mr.Rover November 25, 2021
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Shreesha loves going to the gym and will probably take you along if he loves you enough. Give him a plate of momos and he’ll be yours.

Ready to try anything at all, extremely adventurous and will be there by your side if not in front of you. If you have a shreesha, keep him.
Girl: what kind of guys do you wanna date?
Girl 2: The perfect ones
Girl 3: Oh so a shreesha???
by Ayyyyy hoe November 21, 2021
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Hairy ass guy, very very tall and probably has a megaladong and gets all the hoes around
a true rizz lord the direct descendant of barney stinson
damn you got to do that with Shreesha???!!!!!
by James Maebe Gae October 28, 2023
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