Beef stew diarrhea, neatly dripped down the production line (pant leg), collected in a sterile shoe, canned for resale, or to simply waft with besties after a long day.
“My “Shoe Stew” has been so well received, I’ve been asked to expand my menu…
Shoe Salad, Foot Fries, Hamstring Hash, Ankle App Assortment, & Toe Jam Tuna. I can’t wait to tell my mother. Maybe she’ll contribute Grandma’s Gravy.”
by BB29576 April 22, 2023
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To vomit in one’s shoes. Can be in your own or someone else’s.
Jen’s erratic driving caused Jackie to vomit in her sneakers, causing a shoe stew.
by Mdfritts November 7, 2021
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