When somebody starts out performing a task really well, but as they continue they slowly start to do worse. Eventually they are just garbage at the task and everyone around them is mad at them.
I thought he would win by a mile, but then the Shawn decline kicked in.
by ALegitSource April 17, 2013
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1) A person being of Transylvanian or general Romanian persuasion who is aggressive in the courting of, or mating with, any and all woman. The results of which can be multiple unplanned or unwanted off-spring and more than several Baby Mama. Other results include but are not limited to; financial draining and/or possible involvement in a domestic fracas which may end in incarceration. It is suggested to avoid leaving a SKOT alone with wives, girlfriends, any female of child bearing age, and pets with suitable genitalia.

2) Other aliases: Igor, Gabor
My sister called yesterday and said that Shawn-Kemp-Of-Transylvania got hit with another paternity suit.
by Marky the wordsmythe August 6, 2020
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Shawn Jacob Gregory, aka Shawny bingbong, aka floppily aka Papa Floppybob Cheeto Greg.
A christian nerd w glasses, bad at basketball and even worse with real balls. Head game lowkey trash (I'm a male), got a nice gf tho.
by shawnygregslover123 August 28, 2022
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