Means 'book' in Hebrew.
Have you read that sefer yet? It's sababa!!
by JoLlama October 23, 2007
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To appear on television and comment on all matters political and social.
Person1: What are you doing today?

Person2: I am Sefering 7, but I'll be free after 9.

Person1: Oh, on which station?

Person2: Doesn't matter...ALL OF THEM!
by PSeudonymousOnly January 27, 2022
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A cool boy with a lot of guns and he is strong. Most sefer like to smoke a lot. But they are smart to and low key. They are also analyzing more then other people. Al the girls want him. He also likes to swear.
Ewa zemmer heb je Sefer gezien? Hij krijgt gerro van mij.
by Sefer November 24, 2021
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