One of the 11 Spicers of herbs that KFC let loose on the world to produce alternative facts to demonstrate that the media has it wrong on the KFC recipe and all of Trump's ideologies.
Sean Spicer your salad with alternative american pepper which is organic and saves the world from the middle east inporting spices and terrorists.
by SliceofJesus February 5, 2017
by Desmond Thrithri March 13, 2017
At first they didn't believe the sky was actually a dark shade of magenta but then I Sean Spicered the shit out of the situation and all of them suddenly believed.
by Sml_Yng March 21, 2017
Dude, boss be spouting some serious Sean Spicer today, he wants all the work done by noon, but insists it is the highest quality.
by Sean Spicer February 23, 2017