The zodiac sign of someone born on the cusp of Scorpio and Sagittarius who shows an equal amount of traits of both signs.

If you meet a Scorpittarius they are: sexual, passionate, mysterious, energetic, independent, determined, curious, impatient, loves nature, frank, humorous

Physically they are: dark but bright eyed, powerful build, doesn't show much emotion, move quickly
Guy: Hey, what's your sign?
Girl: Scorpittarius.
Guy: I've never heard of that before.
Girl: And you'll never see this one.
by medarica March 7, 2009
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The term used to describe those individuals born on the cusp of the zodiac signs scorpio and sagittarius.
The fact that different sources (encyclopedia, various magazines) differ on the precise dates scorpio ends and sagittarius begins makes me a scorpittarius.
by Lyndsey Coleman September 6, 2011
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