Someone who is simultaneously extremely intelligent half the time but a complete dumbass the other half of the time, making it impossible to tell if they're a fucking idiot or a human supercomputer.
Person: Jesus how did Gordona piss off those nerds? I thought he was one of them!

Person 2: He's Schrodinger's dumbass dude.
by gordona22 June 4, 2021
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Dumbass: "The earth is flat"
Not dumbass: No it isn't you idiot"
Dumbass: I was joking.
Not dumbass: "Schrodinger's dumbass
by Professor Clinky Clanks March 30, 2022
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One who makes dumbass statements, particularly about fictional characters, and will decide to judge others either depending on their age or appearance.
*With one group* "You can't make porn of Kanna! I don't care if she's 4000 years old! She looks too much like a child!"
*With another group* "You can't make porn of Raphtalia! I don't care if she looks like an adult! She's still 10!"
"Stop being a schrodinger’s dumbass"
by Johngamer221 July 17, 2020
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A Twitter user incapable of understanding what being satire is, and when they get called out they say some stupid shit like “well, it was hard to tell if they were joking or not, and that’s what’s scary about today’s society...”
a: hey guys! i just burned down a nursery home!
b: hey, that’s not nice...
a: i was joking lol
b: OMG!!!! schrodinger douchebag!!!!!
a: shut the fuck up you schrodinger dumbass cunt
by version2nd August 24, 2022
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