An act in which one takes upon himself/herself (gender equality) to scam (or steal) from a scammer whom has attempted or in awfully dastardly cases succeeded to scam you.
The SCAMMER is in most cases a squeaky American child who’s balls I assume will NEVER drop.
The SCAMMER is in most cases a squeaky American child who’s balls I assume will NEVER drop.
by Dickhead382 August 7, 2018
by dankzach November 14, 2018
A weird genera of youtube videos were grown adults play a kids game and pay fans from there channel to stage "scammer get scammed" skits and usually the you-tuber will tell the kid some weird catchphrase so they can click bait it in there video
by Jays_friend January 18, 2019
Scammer gets scammed all their 130s and Sunbeam
by Scammer gets October 26, 2020