Santoritis is a condition characterized by lots of whining and bitching, and incessant looking in the mirror. Symptoms include talking shit to everyone, complaining about KAIA runs, Taking disgusting shits without cleaning the bowl after, and talking shit to the 1SG in front of joes. If Difranzitis is the AIDS, Santoritis is the HIV.

-Holy shit, thats the worst case of Santoritis ive ever seen
by Rifle77 December 21, 2011
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having anal sex with a girl, waiting for her to fall asleep, taking your finger and harvest her Santorum( the frothy mixture of fecal matter and anal lube) and planting it on her upper lip. Much like the popular "hitler stash" .
Girl: does it smell like Santorum in here?

Guy: I don't smell anything baby.
(Guy whispers to friend): dude I totally Santor-stashed her last night.
by deez nutz & chill August 31, 2015
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Likes to sit inside all day and play xbox. He hates going outside but somtimes he friends make him, but they have to go to his house and make him come out because he wont pick up his phone because he knows they want him to come outside. He loves playing xbox and just sitting inside all day watching history channel and VH1. So if you hate the outside and love staying inside all day and never getting in contact with your friends consider yourself a Joe Santore.
Joe Santore: A kid that sits inside all day and hates to go outside and never gets in contact with his friends.
by Natheniel Polyblank January 6, 2009
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