
When someone ruins something that is yours that effects others also
I am going to sabatoge their project so we win
by Nemo can dab🙅🏽 November 10, 2016
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Summer School Sabatoge

Generally occurs at the end of the school semester and the beginning of exam week. You ask your professor/teacher what to study for the Final Exam. They tell you what isn't going to be on the Final Exam or, they tell you what isn't going to emphasized in great detail. Contrary to what they told you, they end up putting that AND ONLY THAT on the final, thereby causing you to fail for the semester resulting in you having to repeat the course next semester.
Kid: She told me it wasn't on the test. I didn't study it... She put it on the test. I failed it.

Other Kid: Ah, the old summer school sabatoge.

by Lyyzz December 12, 2006
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When you make a post to a group of 5000+ people thinking it will be kept private, but then it backfires and gets leaked.
Did you see that post? That's some sabatoge!
by public2 November 12, 2022
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