1.Small orgasm
2. An orgasm that you have while eating a Smore
*at a campfire in california*

guy 1: piuqdhfgniquvhnpiuevhoiuvhouvhv
guy 2: what the fuck
guy 1: sorry i just had a smorgasm
by Click on this for free vbucks November 15, 2018
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an orgasm caused by smoking marijuana
I just had a fucking smorgasm from from those headies
by Sirkneigh March 18, 2009
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A smorgasbord of ingredients that react together in the mouth in such a way as to cause the ingestors to involuntarily ejaculate at the table, which can be recognized by spontaneous moaning and shaking of the right leg during ingestion.
As we each took a bite of the steaming hot dough topped with technicolor mush, I noticed everyone starting to moan and then the table started to shake. And then, the smorgasbord of flavors hit me too, penetrating my body as I started moaning and shaking my right leg along with my friends. I found out later that we had achieved our first simultaneous smorgasm at the dinner table. It was like a coitus cuisine in my mouth.
by G-Factory January 11, 2015
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(smor'gaz'em) noun. Conjunction of the words smiley and orgasm; as evidenced by an excessively happy physical release; a sudden but extremely gratifying moment, other forms include smorgasmic, smorgasming, smorgasmed. Should be noted also considered yummy like s'mores and repeated orgasms can be requested as give me s'more.
I had such a smorgasm and I can't stop smiling!!
by smileykisses January 21, 2011
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what happens when Mr. Easter Bunny bangs Mrs. Easter Bunny, white creamy goodness mixed with chocolate!
Person 1: "i swear Cadbury cream eggs are awesome, white creamy goodness surrounded by chocolate!"
Person 2: "Mr Bunny must have had an awesome smorgasm!"
by Strike of power May 8, 2010
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The feeling one experiences immediately after consuming a freshly made s'more dipped in milk.
1. Oh my gosh I just smorgasmed.
2. Mason: What is this incredible sensation I am experiencing right now?
Ryan: Don't fret, you're just having a smorgasm.
by Sam the Shrimper December 2, 2008
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