A all boy school located in England, Hertfordshire, Hertford Town. Another nickname for this school is Dicky Hale. The school is 400 years old and claims to be excellent...which it's not, as half the teachers don't know how to teach. Richard Hale is full of smart lads who act like total melts when they are in a school envoirment. Teachers are bullied by the absolute roasts that are given to them by the students which means they tend to leave in their first year . The school is also extremely poor as it struggles to even supply paper in some departments. Not to mention our attendance is also one of the worst in the county, due to the students sick of being in that bad of a educational envoirment. The headmaster is also doesn't know what he is doing and the senior leadership team is always moody. But overall the school is full of bright lads and banta. But I wouldn't recommend attending the school if you want a good education
Boy 1: I want to go to a school where I can learn
Boy 2: Wouldn't recommend Richard Hale then
Boy 1: Thought that school had 400 years of excellent

Boy 2: well you are wrong it's bad for education good for banta
by Big Ian wolff April 21, 2019
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