noun: A variant on the "Alaskan Pipeline." (Which is when one takes a shit in a condom, lets it freeze over night, and then proceed to masturbate with it.)
The Return of the Jedi implies pleasuring oneself with the pipeline and then squeezing the frosty turd out of the condom and into a person's asshole; allowing it to thaw and then shitting it out again.
The Return of the Jedi implies pleasuring oneself with the pipeline and then squeezing the frosty turd out of the condom and into a person's asshole; allowing it to thaw and then shitting it out again.
"Man, this broad I had sex with last night was such a freak. Not only did she want to do the Alaskan pipeline, but then she wanted the Return of the Jedi too!"
by heylookitsmarco2 February 7, 2009
The sixth, and "last", episode of the Star Wars saga. The film in which Luke confronts his father, we see the Emperor face-to-face, and we meet those cuddly little bastards, the Ewoks.
by bigtones September 19, 2004
Means when you come back home after having sexual intercourse with a girl that could be physically associated with the lineage of chewbacca. Meaning very unattractive.
"Hey dude. Did you meet Brad after the party last night?"
"Yeah. This jackass came home proud after getting laid and wanted a high-five."
"No way I would high-five him. He did the return of the jedi!"
"Yeah. This jackass came home proud after getting laid and wanted a high-five."
"No way I would high-five him. He did the return of the jedi!"
by Just1nSw7 August 13, 2018