Regrot (noun): A term used to describe an overwhelming feeling of regret and horror, often caused by witnessing or experiencing something truly traumatic or disturbing that leaves a lasting impact on one's psyche. The word may be a misspelling or a regional variation of the word "regret." It is often used to express a deep desire to forget the experience entirely and to rid oneself of the associated emotions and memories.
Person 1: "Have you seen those disturbing videos on the internet lately?"
Person 2: "Yeah, I stumbled upon one of the Mexican cartel videos and now I'm experiencing some serious regrot. I wish I could erase it from my memory forever."
by Experiences44 April 6, 2023
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Regrot is the past tense of regret.
"Have you ever regrot doing anything in your life?"
"No ma'am; I can't say I have"
by Theycallmethefrightener March 31, 2018
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